How many colors of blue can you see in one day?
If you ever get the chance to visit Lake Tahoe, do it. It is a color filled vacation that pushes the envelope in experiencing the colors of blue. I have lived in Hawaii and that is also a breathtaking color feast. But right in my own back yard is the most beautiful lake in the world. Now I know why all the Prius owners in northern California have Keep Tahoe Blue bumper stickers plastered on their cars.
I just taught at a 5 day retreat at "the lake" called Flowers On the Lake. Our classroom had a wonderful view of the lake. It was quite distracting. I found myself and most of the students exclaiming at different times "look outside. I need a picture of that," and out the door they went, camera in hand. I know there is a Tahoe quilt in there some where. My girls did some beautiful work. There was a wide range of skill levels in the class, like there always is. Which I like. It's thrilling to help the artistic see something in a new way. But the best is when a new, never quilted before babe has the guts to try something totally out of her box. So in walks B.A. (I will call her that for now.) She has Master's Degree in chemistry and owns a winery in the valley. Love her already! And now she is mine for 5 days. I can't wait to see what she does. They are all precious to me and I love the challenge of pushing out their creativity. We all have creativity, just some of us don't want to do the hard work to access it and it is painful most times. Haven't you ever heard of suffering for your art? That is my job and I love the challenge. So B.A. was struggling. At one point on day 3 there was a tear or 2. Then, the next morning, she took me aside and said "I Get It! Last night I started to see the colors." What a thrilling moment for both of us. We giggled and hugged. I love my job.

So here is B.A. combining some of her hand-dyed fabrics.
I am so proud of these girls. Thanks to all of them, it was a wonderful time.
Can't wait to start planning another Flowers On the Lake for next year.