Today is the day! After 5 years of researching and playing around and a lot of trial and error, I have figured out how to use my cutting machine to cut out one of my patterns. Big deal, you say. Well, if you have ever taken a class with me, you know there is a lot of cutting with scissors around sometimes very tiny pieces to make one of my flower quilts. I love to cut but I also love to make flowers fast.
Over the years at quilt festivals, I have watched many demonstrations at the Brother booth on how to use their cutting machines but I just could not figure it out, until my house burnt down and COVID-19 hit and I finally had time to focus. So, I bought the machine with the intention of scrapbooking but started experimenting with fabrics in the machine right away. Oh, the messes I made.

Yes, you could always use your cutting machine before with fabrics but not with Steam A Seam 2. All my art quilts and patterns are made using my preferred fusible web, Steam a Seam 2 and, before you start an email to me, yes, I have tried them all and continue to experiment with new fusibles. Then I go back to S-A-S 2.
So that is what I did. I have no idea if you will like these or use them but they are so fun and fast and now I am addicted to the process.
The NEW Rose is the first pattern that comes with the scanning sheets OR as a regular pattern. The YouTube class here on the blog is also for using the regular New Rose Pattern. If want to skip ahead in the video to the flower building part of the class, at about the 35 minute mark, go for it. Please let me know if you have questions - email me at
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