Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Knit One and Purl Two

I just love to knit. So while my web site has been under construction, which seems like forever,  I have been knitting.  First it was this scarf to get me back in the knitting groove.  When I saw the colors and texture of this yarn my heart skipped a beat. I broke out in a sweat and knew I had to have it.  I didn't look at the price until I got to the register. Yes, it was very expensive. I bought it anyway.  Don't tell Joe. Then feeling quite accomplished after making this beautiful scarf, I wondered if I was brave enough to work on a sweater I started about 2 years ago.

It was a Vogue pattern that I downloaded off their web site. I had to join the vogue knitting site and then you can down load it for free.  I just loved it.  I was going to teach myself how to do cables with this pattern.  No sweat, right? 

This was my second try at the sweater. You can see some of my cables rows are not going in the right direction.

I started the sweater 4 times, which means I had to unravel the sweater 3 times. At one point I just lost interest and felt maybe it was simply too complicated for my little brain but I needed something complicated to work on while Joe was fixing my web site. Oh! I guess I forgot to tell you that I wiped out most of my web site by trying to help Joe.  So why not try again to make this Debbie Bliss Silver Belle sweater again and stay out of Joe's hair (what little he has left) and stick with what I know how to do. 
So far it’s working out really great.  I have been obsessed with it and it is going very fast - big needles help (Size 9).  Every once in a while I have to take out a row or 2.  Like last night.  You can see by the picture that this young girl has not been blessed yet with her womanly assets.  And at her age I wasn't, either.

So the sizing and fit of this sweater is also a challenge.   I was lucky to find web sites that have also worked on this sweater and gave me an idea of how it fits. It runs really big.  But I am happy to say I am done with the skirt and now working on the top and sleeve that are in one piece.

I will keep you updated on my progress.  But now I am looking for my next sweater and I found this pattern that I want sooo bad.  It’s called the Mermaid by Hanne Falkenberg. It comes in all colors but you can only get the pattern when you buy her kit.  So this is my motivation for completing my Silver Belle. Then I have to find the $$$$.  And you thought you could only be addicted to fabric!


  1. Oh my gosh those sweaters are gorgeous. I gotta learn to knit!

  2. Those sweaters are beauties, Mindy! I hope to see you wearing one this weekend at the Almond Country trunkshow and classes. Don't worry, I did not sign up for the class (breathe a sigh of relief here) but I may just bring my hydrangea quilt for show and tell. Not that it holds a candle to your work, but is way a labor of love. See you in a couple of days. Rana

  3. Your cables are looking really good. I'm knitting too...booties, scarf and cowl!!
