Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Monday, January 24, 2011

It's Out!

Drop everything and run to the nearest book store to get the February/March issue of Quilter's Home magazine. Buy every issue you can. OK, maybe just my mom and I will do that.  It's finally here, a month earlier than we thought it would be.  It turned out so cute.  There is a wonderful 5 page spread on our house in this issue. They even put in the story of our yellow house controversy that caused quite a stir in 2002. You can't see any of the dust or cobwebs or the glue gun I used to hold most things together for the shoot. There is even a picture of Joe and I sitting with our feet in the pool, which makes me long for summer. It was really hot the day we shot this.

Laundry Room
This is my laundry room that I wallpapered with botanical prints I cut out of an old book and glued right on the old wallpaper.  I keep the collection of flower pots above the counter and sink area. The yellow iris is a new quilt. Behind the drapes is Joe's beer making supplies - he and Matt occasionally turn my kitchen into a mad scientist's laboratory.
This is our breakfast nook which is mostly used for folding towels and laundry. On the back wall at the top is a quilt of strawberries in a bowl and below that is one on my paintings of fruit on a table with a blue tea pot. Hanging over the table is my Yellow Daisy quilt.
Master Bedroom

I love our master bedroom in soft colors of blues and peach. There is a wonderful view from the deck off this room.  I fell in love with this house because of the view.  Over the chair is draped a Lone Start quilt I made out of Amy Butler's first line of fabric. You can't see it, but every intersection in the quilt has a hot fix crystal on it.  It's really sparkly.  The flower quilt on the wall is a camellia.


We sit out there and watch the sunset.
This is my living room office.
I have  a small office space in the corner of my living room. Its where I design patterns and do all my computer work. The small framed quilt block above my head is from my Baltimore album quilt. I needed some art work for the space so I just framed the block. Someday, I might just finish that quilt. Or not!

All the photos where taken by the famous quilt photographer to the stars, Gregory Case. There is a really cute article about him and his partner, Elena, in the magazine also. It's about couples in quilting.

Thank you Quilter's Home for a wonderful experience.


  1. Congratulations! I am on my way to pick up the magazine. And looking forward to seeing more of your quilts too!

  2. Just stunning Melinda!
    Your home is as lovely as you are.
    Wishing you continued success in all you do.
    Do you have an individual pattern out for your zinnia is one I admire so much.
    LuAnn in Oregon

  3. You and your house look great! And the view from your bedroom is amazing. The quilts are just wonderful. Magazine is on my list.

  4. Melinda - Love, love, love the article on you in Quilter's Home magazine. Beautiful photos and a beautiful home. I notice you have two different "quilting" spaces in your home - one in the living room for designing, etc. and your loft space for the actual sewing. Is that correct?
    Kim Hanson

  5. thank you for the nice comments. and Kim I do have a small computer space in the living room. no one ever use that room.
