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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Looking for Mr. Right

I have been looking and looking for the perfect free-motion sewing machine. Does it exist?  I don't think so.  I want something the sews really straight and I can control the speed.  It has to handle sewing through many thicknesses of fusible fabric while using delicate rayon thread.   It needs to have a big enough arm so that large quilts can easily get under the machine.  And maybe it should come in pink.  If i am going to dream it might as well have a color. Why not? 

But the biggest thing is I don't want to sell my house to buy it.  Where is that machine?  I don't want a stitch regulator or fancy stitches.  I don't need it to sing to me when it turns on, or have a drink holder for my coffee.  I don't need it to store pictures of my family that pop up when I am trying to sew.   I just want it to do the job of sewing.  Even Wilma had a sewing machine that worked.

Where are you Mr. Right????  I dream, fantasize and pray for you.  I  even have been searching (dare I say?) the Internet for you.
When Hello Kitty went bad.
But alas!  You may only be a vision in my dreams. Maybe you haven't been invented yet.  So I will wait. 
In the mean time, does any one what to buy a Bernia 200 upgraded to a 730 that tap dances?


  1. Not used one myself, we don't have them over here, but have you looked at ?

  2. I have a 1917 Singer 31K20 treadle machine. Cost me $124 plus a weekend trip during which we picked it up. Another $30 for a quilting foot. Meets all of your criteria - you would just have to know how to treadle! It's not pink, but may be one day if I repaint it (it's pretty chipped - well, it is nearly an antique).

  3. Try a Juki.
    I use the TL98Q. Juki is big in industrial machines. The 98Q, and the new one with better lights, are called semi-professional instead of home machines. It's about the power! No computer, just a perfect straight stitch.
    Check it out,

  4. Have you seen this?

  5. I have a Janome 6600 and it stitched through all my fused layers on my rhapsody i made no problem... i was using superior threads not rayon, Superior Lava and So Fine...

  6. Hi! I have been researching this and I think you might like this link- (no affiliation- but she is queen of Free motion quilting to me). She has a great article on this same qq & had a juki. She bought a Janome horizon. hope this helps- just bought your books and love your work!

  7. Check out the Juki TL98Q. That is the best machine I have ever owned for the money. I would have to stop quilting if I couldn't have my Juki

  8. Hi! I just purchased a 1965 Bernina 730 Record. It is a magnificent sewing machine. My father purchased this machine for my mother in 1965 and she has loved it for 30+ years and then sold it to my sister-in-law. I wanted that machine but I already had a Pfaff of my own. But, for mother's day 2011, I just purchased a beautiful Bernina 730 Record from 1965 in great condition and can't wait to get it. My mother is going to be so happy! This machine will do all you want and more and will give you years of beautiful sewing.
