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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Great White North (take off, eh?)

We just got home form an amazing trip through the Inside Passage and Glacier Bay in Alaska. It was breathtaking. Now I was working the whole time but it sure didn't feel like it.  This was the best cruise I been on so far - OK, I have only been on 2 but it was really fun. I was teaching for Seminars at Sea.  Kim, Amy, and Linda put on a wonderful cruise. We met old friends and made some new ones. That’s what is so much fun about cruising - you get to really spend time with your students and become friends. 
Leaving Seattle
We traveled from beautiful, sunny Seattle. Yes, I said sunny.  Both days we were there it was gorgeous.  Then off to Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan, and Victoria. We toured the Bouchard Gardens in Victoria on our last day.   

The Scottish captain loved to do 360 degree rotations of the ship as we passed the glaciers so every side of the ship had a great view. There is nothing like driving a 40,000 ton ship like it's a race car. He was very smooth, though.

We picked up a ranger from Juneau that gave the whole ship a historical nature lesson as we sailed through Glacier Bay.  I called her the naturist but was reminded by my British friends that may not be the right word. In their country naturists prefer the absence of clothing.  Oh.
Dinner every night with Christine Porter, her husband, Neil, and friend Richard, Laura Wasilowski and husband Steve (missing again - who's watching Steve?)
Every day every there was something spectacular to see and this time I didn't get sick thanks to my Doc and the patch.  It really works great. I did over-patch on day 3 and had a little trouble talking but what’s new?
Sailing through Glacier Bay in June was wonderful and I highly recommend Holland America.

So here are some of my photos.
One of the many glaciers.
Leaving Juneau.

View at breakfast.

Thanks to all my students and the other teachers and, of course, Kim, Amy, and Linda and a big THANK YOU to Steve Wasilowski, Laura’s husband, who kept Joe very entertained - and we only lost them twice.
Joe's new friends.

We are looking for a large eagle on a rock.

Friends from Louisiana.

Floating miniature glaciers.

Oh ,and we did quilts.

And to the lady I offended (it's always someone) in the t-shirt shop in Sitka - Get over it, it was just a joke! I was making fun of myself, not you.  Everyone's a critic.

Next up, in 2014 we are sailing through the Panama Canal.  And Yes Joe, you are going!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, you two lovebirds! What a trip-thanks for great photos!
