Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Guessing Game

Guess what I have been doing this week?

No, I haven't made Joe great breakfasts.

 or cleaned the house.

 I haven't been quilting or even gardening.

Haven't even done my hair and my fingers are green. 

The laundry is piling up and we are running low on towels.

 If you said making color,
you would be right.
The only problem is I now have a sore shoulder from all the folding and ironing. 
This is going to make some beautiful flowers.


  1. It looks like you have your priorities straight :-) I love the colors and the quilts in the background.

  2. Hola Melinda´s que colores de telas tan espectacular parece el arco iris.Si pusieras el traductor de google te comprenderia mejor es facil haz clik en el mio y copialo.Un abrazo

  3. Thanks girls, I did try Google translator. Thanks Ali,

  4. My mouth is watering over your fabrics! I'm hoping to get back to dyeing soon. I already have a beautiful flower pic all picked out and aching to be made!
    Beth in AZ
