Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Art of Weight Loss

 Marcia, Jan and Cindy 1974
Mindy Jacqui and Cynthia 1979
The frustration with trying to lose weight is about to do me in.  I am exercising and really eating the right things but for the last week nothing, I mean NOTHING has happened except I have watched some really funny YouTube videos while on the treadmill and learned some new ways to enjoy celery. Yummy.
Last night I was watching Entertainment Tonight.  Can you tell Joe is out of town?  There was Marcia Brady proudly showing off her new body. She is the same age as me and down to 113 for a photo shoot.  I have never been 113.  She has lost 50 pounds.  She was so happy because this was the same weight she was when the Brady Bunch went to Hawaii and Bobby found the scary tiki  that put a curse on the Brady family. Don't act like you don't remember.  So there she was in her new skinny body.  I need to know how she did it.  After the show suckers me in for almost an hour I NEED to know how she did it.  Here I am, on my diet, working hard to lose 1 pound only to gain it back.  What is her secret?  The show is back after 45 commercials, one which was for Jenny Craig.  I am on the edge of the sofa, waiting and...............

Oh, that's her secret.  Why didn't I think of that.  It's so simple. She got a personal trainer,  has a chef to cook all her food and she must have money, or is getting some, because she can work out 2 hours a day.   And after 8 months she dropped 50 pounds. You go, girl!  We will all just go out and get personal trainers.

OK, so I sound a little angry,  it is really just disappointment. You know how I feel?  I hope you do.
There is not one woman alive that doesn't, after the age of 40, have trouble with her weight.  I look back at photo albums of me just 5 to 7 years ago and see I was 15 pounds smaller and can't believe how good I looked but how fat I thought I was at the time.  That is sad.

Learning to be content with one's self is an art form and I would like to master that art. I have a successful career that is more than I could have ever dreamed of.  My son is prospering in his adult life and my husband, my sweet husband, looks at me like I am the hottest thing going. Thank God, I haven't gotten him those new glasses yet.

So it's just me that is getting in the way again!  So this is my plan for just today:  I am going to think like I am strong, thin and young.  Go and get my manicure and even a tan.  Because tan fat is always better than white fat.  One day at a time.
But first I have to do 35 minutes on the treadmill.  That is also part of the art.


  1. Great post. After watching Entertainment Tonight and seeing all the woman that just delivered babies, with a 35lb+ weight gain during pregnancy, and yet they lost all (if not more) within a few weeks of delivery. Amazing! I've also been exercising and watching what I eat, but haven't lost 1 lb. If you find the trick to weight loss, kindly let me know! In the meantime, I'll try to get motivated to eat another carrot and not a brownie!


  2. You look gorgeous Melinda, be content. I've had a friend I've been dieting with for the past two years, only online not in person but I'd count her as a freind. 9 weeks ago she had tummy pains, last week was her funeral. She was 39. I've really hit myself between the eyes now. Eat healthy, be healthy but live life and don't obsess. And I don't think I've ever been under 130lbs in my adult life. Well I passed through it briefly as a teen!!!!! lol

  3. Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!
    Just do your best to eat right and get your exercise in. It is important to strength train as well. Toned muscle weighs more but looks better than jiggly fat any day. Don't ever forget you are a beautiful woman!

  4. Melinda, I have been on the weight loss roller coaster for years...found the podcasts "Inside Out Weight Loss" - this is my third week, already lost 7 pounds and tomorrow is weigh in for this week. I started a small Yahoo group of Facebook friends who want to lose weight - you are welcome to join. Just email me.

  5. Keep after it. I'm trying, too!!

  6. Keep at the treadmill and maybe add some crunches and weights. Lift bar bells or cans if you need to. Great for keeping muscles from going soft(er)...I listened to Daniel Amen on TV last night, Brain Body Connection and am cutting my meal sizes way down, staying far far away from sugar...snacking on raw almonds, fruit and veggies, no white breads....common sense really, but he talks about keeping the brain alive and healthy. He was inspirational. I did it two years ago, then got lazy, and am back to doing it again. Good luck to all of us. Just have to remember its a life style not a diet. And yes we are all beautiful no matter what.

  7. Just discovered your blog and what do I come upon the very first time? The art of weight loss!!! I feel EXACTLY the same way. I am already in my work out clothes (it is pretty early) and will work out today, but there are times when my workout clothes just don't do enough to get me down there!!!! Anyway, I'm trying to lose about 20 pounds - and finding it difficult. Love your work and your writing!

  8. You're singing my song, Melinda! I've been on this roller coaster for all of my 46 years (born 4lbs. 15oz --> next day 150 lbs. / ok...only kidding). I was the fat kid, fat teenager, etc. After my son was born, I was 197 and lost down to about 127. I made a jeans quilt I named, "12, 14, 16, 20, never again!" I put back on about 15 lbs., but today, it was 136. I'm trying to get back below 130, but it's hard hard hard! Unfortunately, I had to change my whole outlook on food. I try to make it as boring as possible, so I can eat to live, rather than the other way around. Slimfast bar for breakfast, sandwich or Lean Cuisine with fruit for lunch, fruit for snacks, and a bowl of cereal for dinner, and single serving ice cream for desert, maybe popcorn every now and then. On the weekends, I tend to eat "real food", but it's back to same boring routine during the week. Now I don't look forward to meals (who could, with this diet). It's the only thing that's worked for me, but my exercise is jumping out of bed and watching the fat jog for 15 minutes. All said and done, I'm much happier with myself than I've ever been, now that I don't focus on food so much. Also, I haven't stopped weighing every day, which, more recent research says, improves one's chances of maintaining weight (don't do this, while you're trying to lose the weight initially - 1x per week, max!). That's my story. It may not sound fun, but it's worked for me.

    Beth in Phoenix (cblong03 on

  9. Thank you all for the support. It is really encouraging to know you are out there. Happy to say down 1 more pound.

  10. Hi Min! Loved the blog & photo. Oh to be 18 again! After 40 the treadmill (or stationary bike) is our best friend. Luckily your job & mine dont requre us to wear bikinis! Be content with who you are, cause you are special! Keep up the good fight. xoxo!
