Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Starting A New Project.........

I am starting a new quilt in honor of my son, the soon to be Marine. I have been going through pictures on the web studying what a Marine is, and stands for, to get design inspiration for the quilt. Getting some background will help. Plus, I wanted to use my new hand dyes. I had no idea how awesome the Marines are. I have been avoiding the subject because i was afraid I would lose it.
I first had to get over the shock of my only child wanting to give his life for our country (and all the assholes that are running it). Sorry, did I say that?
But I am so proud of theses Marines.
When I was 10 or 12 the Viet Nam war was going strong. I knew nothing of war or politics, only what I heard on TV. If it wasn't about Barbie, the Flintstones or the Beatles, I had no idea.
I thought all Marines were jar heads and I still don't know why. We lived close to the El Toro Marine base. It's closed now. My Uncle Donny was a Drill Sargent at Camp Pendelton after his time in Nam. I had no idea as a kid what my uncle did. I just knew he was a jar head and that wasn't as cool as the Flintstones. I was a deep and thoughtful kid.
I have a whole new respect for Uncle Don. I think of him a lot now that my son will soon be a jar head. Its funny how life turns. Let's just say God is Good!

Today, I have trouble watching the news because its either all fluff or all lies. Have you noticed that they never talk about what is really going on in the middle east in any detail? It's like it doesn't exist any more. Denial is a wonderful thing! America has a lot of it right now.
I want it all over more than anyone. August 21st would be great!
OK, if you have made it this far in my rambling, bless you.
Here is my baby. You put your son or daughter here in the pictures.
Take the time and read up on the History of the Unites States Marines and voice your opinion! That is what they are fighting for: freedom. It will make you so proud to be American.
And thank you, Uncle Donny for what you did for our country. OohRah!


  1. is nice to hear someone with the same views. Good luck to your son and thank him for me, for his service.

  2. I'm thinking of you and your son. I'm so proud of you and him. I'm proud of you for honoring his decision and learning more. I'm proud of him for his brave decision. As you've probably learned from your reading, once a Marine, always a Marine. You can just tell with most. A friend of mine served in the Marines and now that he's a civilian, he's still very structured and responsible. Hugely responsible. And respectful. I'll keep thinking of you and him. Keep us posted.

    Denny in Arizona

  3. Living here on my small island of Oahu I see many uniformed soldiers. I give thanks each day for them for doing the things necessary to keep our country safe. Thank you for raising a son who wants to do his part to keep our wonderful country and all its people safe from harm. BarbR =!=

  4. Melinda, My nephew is a Navy lifer been in twenty plus years. I am proud of him for what he does. He is just returning from Afghanistan after six months but has been many other not nice places just to keep up safe.
    peg in mo

  5. Thanks you for you r nice words. it wonderful to know you are out there.

  6. Melinda, Your blog reflects the beauty of your quilts and the spirit I have come to know as a friend. I know how hard you are working to keep all of the balls in the air with designing products, writing books presenting great classes and creating award-winning quilts. Your blog is outstanding, your talent shine through. I can just see you wanting to give those punks a good spanking at the Parade Grounds. Wish Matt my best and thank him for his service from Bob and me, our boys and especially from my 90 year old father, a WW2 vet. Joanie

  7. Melinda, Your blog reflects the beauty of your quilts and the spirit I have come to know as a friend. I know how hard you are working to keep all of the balls in the air with designing products, writing books presenting great classes and creating award-winning quilts. Your blog is outstanding, your talent shine through. I can just see you wanting to give those punks a good spanking at the Parade Grounds. Wish Matt my best and thank him for his service from Bob and me, our boys and especially from my 90 year old father, a WW2 vet. Joanie

  8. Wishing you great ideas for your Marine quilt. My husband of 42 yrs served from 1966 - 1970, most of that time at El Toro. I was only 17 1/2 yr old when we married and went to Memphis for his electronics school and then at El Toro for 3 yrs, had our first 2 children out there. He orders tshirts and hats from Sgt., You certainly could get some good material for your quilt from their designs. Tell you son we are proud of him --- Once a Marine, Always a Marine! Dale has the Marine Corps hymn as his ring on his cell phone.

  9. You brought a tear to my eye. I just admire anyone in any branch of the service. We attend many Navy games at the Academy and my heart sours when the cadets march onto the field - a tear in my eyes also. When my hubby was in the Army (1968-1971) and we were traveling he was told not to wear his uniform, people didn't like the military. I try to thank each of them when I see them. God bless them all - and their loved ones.
