Melinda's web site and Esty Shop

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Gulf Coast Quilters Here I Come!

In January I will be traveling through the Gulf Coast reign of the United States teaching and lecturing for a large group of quilt guilds spread out along the Gulf Coast.  Then I will end my trip in Venice Florida for the last of my classes.  

 This is going to be an adventure because it will be almost 3 weeks on the road.  But I have never been to these great places and I get the thrill of checking these states off my “how many states have you visited” map.  Looks like I have been to almost all of them after this trip.  Still haven’t been to North or South Carolina or Maine? That will be something to look forward to.

Some of the quilt guilds are doing my hibiscus pattern. So I thought I would show the student’s and you the hibiscus in varying stages of completions to give the kids an idea about all the colors they can make this flower in.  

 Hibiscus come in a wide verity of colors. So pick your favorite color and use the color chart as your guild when choosing your fabrics. Here is how you do this.
The body of the flower is made up of fabric A, B, C. They are arranged from the lightest to darkest. All other pieces are laid on top of these base petals.  D, E, F make up the center and they need to be darkest of color with D being black. Then notice on the color chart how color G H I J K L M N O P run from dark to light also? These are the showdowns and highlights.  In class I help you make a color chart with the fabric you being.  So pick your favorite color and bring lots of fabrics to choose from.

The more fabrics the better.  You can also order a fabric kit made from my hand dyed fabrics.  $65. Order through your guilds program chair.  Hope this helps. This is a stunning quilt. And bring a verity of backgrounds to choose from and greens.  I have a trick on how to pick the right background for your beautiful flower quilt. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

My iQuilt Class is Here!

I will remember November 3rd for a long time. It felt like Christmas this morning when I woke up and knew that today is the big launch day of the new online classes brought to you by iQuilt and BERNINA.

American Quilters Society is the developer of this exciting format that will fill your creative minds with great quilting classes that cover every technique the quilting world has to offer. Many of your 
favorite teachers and authors are on the list.  Oh, and I am one of them. Yippee!

Now you can take my “Fabulous Flower Photo Quilts” class that I developed to help my students learn how to make their own flower masterpiece art quilt from their own flower photo.  And yes, you can do it!
You can follow along once you download the class into your computer and it’s yours.  It’s like I’m there with you only you don’t have to feed me or pick up after me.

You can ask me questions, take notes and view the class as many times as you want. 
So check it out.  More classes are coming from me - I just got done filming Renegade Thread Play!

There will be a link to a shop where you can buy your supplies for class. this is going to be so fun.