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Friday, December 30, 2011

Inspiration can come at any time and on any subject and using any medium.  I have been longing to paint since I got home from teaching at the Hudson River Valley Art Retreat on Dec 10, but Christmas has kinda got in the way.  But after doing a little Internet Christmas shopping (So grateful for the Internet!) I finally found the time, before my son came home, to just play.

  Yes, this is painting. Not just painting, but painting on fabric.  I thought you would like to see the process over the next few days or weeks, as the case might be.
 I am supposed to be taking down the Christmas tree today, but color and paint are calling to me. 

  I started just randomly painting a simple design on white fabric.  The fabric is taped it to an extra cutting mate with duck tape. Love the duck tape. Keeps it taught while I paint.

What about trying a bamboo design?  I really like the way this is turning out. I think I need one more design? So back to the studio. 
Maybe the Christmas tree will come down tomorrow?